We are a network of

Dreamers. Scientists. Entrepreneurs.

We are a diverse group of self-motivated cooperators who believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Together we are harnessing the metabolic problem-solving power of the microcosmos to develop more sustainable ways to make a living in the world around us.
Steven Hallam

Steven Hallam

Principal Investigator

Microbiology & Immunology
Tom Pfeifer

Tom Pfeifer

Facility Manager

Biofactorial Facility
Aleksandra Anoshina

Aleksandra Anoshina

Facility Manager

BioBank Facility
Resmi Capron

Resmi Capron

Network Coordinator

Colleen Kellogg

Colleen Kellogg

Research Fellow

Microbiology & Immunology
Nannaphat Sukkasam

Nannaphat Sukkasam

Postdoctoral Fellow

Biochemistry & Biotechnology
Nick Lin

Nick Lin

Postdoctoral Fellow

Architecture & Microbiology
Julia Anstett

Julia Anstett

Doctoral Student

Genome Science & Technology
Dan Seale

Dan Seale

Doctoral Student

Genome Science & Technology
Stefanie Sternagel

Stefanie Sternagel

Master's Student

Microbiology & Immunology
Ryan McLaughlin

Ryan McLaughlin

Doctoral Student

Joe Ho

Joe Ho

Doctoral Student

Microbiology & Immunology
Kalen Dofher

Kalen Dofher

Doctoral Student

Microbiology & Immunology
Tony Liu

Tony Liu

Doctoral Student

Beth Davenport

Beth Davenport

Doctoral Student

Microbiology & Immunology
Juan Santana

Juan Santana

Doctoral Student

Microbiology & Immunology
Andras Szeitz

Andras Szeitz

Doctoral Student

Microbiology & Immunology
Leah Fulton

Leah Fulton

Doctoral Student

Microbiology & Immunology